Okay enough commotion of my own monologue.
I spent lebaran with my uncle's fam, 3 of my cousins came from Kalimantan. Nadya, Dio, and Dita are very bright and hyperactive kids i'm sure they'll all turn out geniuses! Amin teehee siapa dulu dong kakaknya (hah? haha). We went to Bandung for 3 days and 2 nights, went with our other cousins as well, Avi and Abi. There was a conflict, on one side but hey i'm not gonna write about it here it's too blah. We went to Tangkuban Perahu and horseriding, (THEY did, i didn't because it was LEAD, i wanted to go by myself we could've gone to "D'Ranch" but nooo >:( ), strawberry picking,
Dio went on an ATV and got thrown off! But he was still chuckling even when he had grass in his mouth so his dad thought he was OKAY and SECURED THE ATV INSTEAD OF HIS SON, AND LEFT ME IN SHOCK TO HELP HIM GET UP! yea i was pretty shocked huh. The wheels nearly crushed his arm! Damn. But he was oh-kay, just like any other tough little boy :))
One of my best friend planned to watch a movie with me but as far luck goes, his grandma's lung cancer relapsed and poor him had to go to Lampung in the morning of our play-day. Felt bad for turning of my mobile pretty early, hey i thought there wouldn't be anyone asking me about anything again! Sigh.
Oh i forgot, i had a fast-breaking night with the bilinguals! It was pretty fun and a success i daresay, it was only me Nadiya and Dela who organised it so that was pretty good! and of course Icha who helped me with the es buah hehee :D
Don't know why but i can't be bothered with school stuff, damn. It's such a burden not being able to study properly while my mind wanders off on so many occasions. Plus the upcoming tests are like.. what, in less than 14 days? Oh well, there's always late -night catch ups - oops, studying! hahah. I'll be GREAT don't worry *really, trying to assure yourself is harder than you think.
I'll check in on you guys soon aight? Get pumped for school tomorrow! Off for lunch and BTA soon :)
zee one and only,
NVY xxo