hey guys. Its been so long since i've updated yea? hmm i miss my blog. if i could i would do this more often but hey, you can't have the time for everything. sacrifices needed for each and every action.
hmm just dropping by to share what i've learnt in the past few weeks.
1. really, you are you. no one, is as unique as you there's only ONE you in this world, as there is ONE Nabila Viera Yovita. so whatever people get or say and you don't, but you want it, well maybe its not your turn yet, or maybe God has other plans for you. Greater plans that will SUIT you, your own life. you'll have your own time :) it hurts to be patient but if it'll be worth it, why not?
2. family.. and friends who are separated by distance are closer to the heart than you think. Love isn't that easy to forget right? if it is so what's been keeping my heart glued to you all since we went our own ways? :'D
for anyone who's been wondering why God hasn't been unfair.. please, stop it and think of all the words i just wrote. be patient, keep trying, and your efforts will be paid off. trust me, though its always difficult to convince myself, in the end i unrealize that i actually force myself to keep being optimistic.
and as for you, my dear friends near and far.. i miss you like hell.
just keep me entertained and going for all the pressure that'll continue hitting me till next year, aight? that'd be more than enough. i love youu :))
i'll try and update more often guys, need it mentally anyway heheh.
heaps of hugs,
NVY <3>
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Thursday, 22 October 2009
21 Oktober 2009= Pelantikan Menteri? Bukan, HUT NVY ;)
okay im gonna allow myself use Indo for this one. karena ini semua terjadi dengan sangat spontan and by the time its done in English i may not remember every single detail of it. well maybe some parts in english if i can't help it :p
jadi gini loh, gue kmaren ulangtahun yang ke 17. yes yes im happy haha :D the night before, ntah kenapa gw ngga bisa tidur. 1. ngga kok, gw ngga excited, sumpah! 2. di smsin tmen gw dan akhirnya kita ngobrol ttg kesulitan pelajaran, kuliah dsb 3. i actually didnt want to be awake when i turned 17, didnt drink any tea or stimulant nor caffeine-substanced anything! pokoknya it was totally random. okay skip the part, akhirnya tmen yang smsan sm gw itu ngucapin pertama, krn kita sampe jam 23.30an gitu.
besoknya, gw agak lelah krn ngantuk :O yawn* oh well. nyampe kelas, dihujani ucapan hehe thx guys :) gw liat si Billa, my chairmate, kayanya lagi ngantuk gitu dan emang tau lah gw ultah ya gw pikir ah ya selow aja dia ga ngucapin, seharian itu. even though i still shared kegalauan gw, krn gw lagi nunggu one of my bestie ngucapin gt eh tnyt dia lewat fb doang, yah sabar aja deh nab gw kira lo peduli gw kira lo sayang, ternyata.. cukup tau aja deh, haha. mana abis bio tuh kita ada senimusik kan, pada ngeband, DAN selamaaat pada nyanyi yang galau2! makin ancur lah mana gw pms..
pas ketemu temen2 gw di kantin yaitu Thea, Karina, Sasya, Gisca, pada ngeliatin, si Thea sambil ngomong heh heh udah gitu pake nyenggol, hahah gw udah ngek bngt nih perasaan..
skip ya sampe pelajaran terakhir yaitu Sejarah. Billa pasti udah ngakak banget dalam hati, karena saking galaunya suasana hati, gw sampe ngegambar ga jelas gitu ditambah lyric2 lagu yg risau, hahaha. and she went with the flow, knowing what would happen that afternoon could really turn my day in 180 degrees.
hometime..! ring a ding ding ya pokoknya itulah lo tau kan bell 6 kaya gimana haha. biasanya, kalo mau BTA itu kan gw, Billa dan Aul itu bareng makan dulu. eh tapi pas sampe deket gerbang kok si Aul ngabur langsung pergi gitu, ada Muha juga, eh kok si Muha kayanya ga tau deh gw ultah.. hmm trus gw nanya,
"Bil, si Aul kemana sih?"
"Ga tau Nab, katanya ada urusan mau kemanaa gitu lo tau kan dia anaknya suka gitu!" (hayo lo Ul, bukan gue yg bilang!)
trus ngalor ngidul gt Nadiya minta nemenin beli Aqua lah, eh akhirnya beli sus gt trus si Billa hesitate juga mau makan dimana terserah eh dia ko ga makan2 dari pagi, akhirnya ke KFC sama Billa dan Alia, Nadiya sama Rona nyusul. btw pas lg mesen gt gw curiga nih.. kata Billa kan si Thea udah plg duluan krn dia juga les di hari2 yg sama dengan kita (tapi beda tempat les), loh tapi kok DIA NELFON KE HAPENYA ALIA?? trus dia mo ngmg ke Billa gt.. dan Billa ngasih tau keberadaan kita dimana dan berapa menit lg kita smape ke BTA? dan curiganya lagi dia nelfon lagi pas di bis dan Billa bilang "3 menit, 3 menit!" CURIGA GA LO?!
ahh gw udah mikir, jangan2 gw mau diapain nih..
heh bener! Nadiya udah sok2 ngomong "eh2 kita kelasnya di atas kan?" dan pas mau naik tangga, udah berkumpul lah itu.. Thea, Sasya, Karina, Gisca, Lola, Lintang, Aul! OH MY GOD DAN MEREKA MEGANG KUEE aaaaaaaaaaaa and SLR and handycam..
wiwiwiiiiiiiiiiiiii thankyouuuuu semuanyaaaaa! udah kan tiup lilin trus si Nadiya nyanyi2 bikin heboh 1 BTA, terus dia ngomong, "eh keluar yuk keluar disini sempit!" tapi nadnaya ga meyakinkan gitu loooh ada yg mencurigakan! haahhhh siaaaal tapi gw nurut aja dan kita difoto2, trus pas nengok ke belakang, ada bisik2 dan gw liat Aul.. MEGANG BOTOL AQUA. jebbb dengan panik dan my hay-wired circuits thought a nanosecond and with reflex i said 'HEH BENTAR! GUE NARO TAS DULU!" sayangnya, jam gue ga selamat. dan setelah itu SRRRR gue udah basah.. hahaha dan tiba2 kena tepung di muka. mantaaap kejar2an lah akhirnya lalalalallala makasih banget yaa jadi tontonan masyarakat! btw lokasi BTA gw itu di Mayestik dan di depan jalan raya, di seberang Pasar Mayestik itself. nyehehe tontonan gratis bagi para metromini dan bajaj and pedestrians. makasih. oh ya dan setelah itu gw dikeramasin Aul pake SABUN cair pertamanya, tnyt ada shampo -_- baiknyaa dia udah bawa baju ganti dr rumah hehe :p Nadiya juga nemenin gw keramas dan membantu menghibur dan mengangkat roknya Aul yg menyeret2 ke lantai wkwk :D
nanti gw upload kartu ucapan dari mereka! kocak abis sumpah hahah.
buat semuanya yang udah ngucapin.. bless you all and i hope for the best for you guys :D buat geng padang-geng sunda.. jangan berseteru mulu yaa haha ♥ you guys so damn much!
akhirnya malemnya gw ga galau lg :} and i didnt care anymore about the thing that i blued for (is that even a word huh..) at least, for the time being :D
jadi gini loh, gue kmaren ulangtahun yang ke 17. yes yes im happy haha :D the night before, ntah kenapa gw ngga bisa tidur. 1. ngga kok, gw ngga excited, sumpah! 2. di smsin tmen gw dan akhirnya kita ngobrol ttg kesulitan pelajaran, kuliah dsb 3. i actually didnt want to be awake when i turned 17, didnt drink any tea or stimulant nor caffeine-substanced anything! pokoknya it was totally random. okay skip the part, akhirnya tmen yang smsan sm gw itu ngucapin pertama, krn kita sampe jam 23.30an gitu.
besoknya, gw agak lelah krn ngantuk :O yawn* oh well. nyampe kelas, dihujani ucapan hehe thx guys :) gw liat si Billa, my chairmate, kayanya lagi ngantuk gitu dan emang tau lah gw ultah ya gw pikir ah ya selow aja dia ga ngucapin, seharian itu. even though i still shared kegalauan gw, krn gw lagi nunggu one of my bestie ngucapin gt eh tnyt dia lewat fb doang, yah sabar aja deh nab gw kira lo peduli gw kira lo sayang, ternyata.. cukup tau aja deh, haha. mana abis bio tuh kita ada senimusik kan, pada ngeband, DAN selamaaat pada nyanyi yang galau2! makin ancur lah mana gw pms..
pas ketemu temen2 gw di kantin yaitu Thea, Karina, Sasya, Gisca, pada ngeliatin, si Thea sambil ngomong heh heh udah gitu pake nyenggol, hahah gw udah ngek bngt nih perasaan..
skip ya sampe pelajaran terakhir yaitu Sejarah. Billa pasti udah ngakak banget dalam hati, karena saking galaunya suasana hati, gw sampe ngegambar ga jelas gitu ditambah lyric2 lagu yg risau, hahaha. and she went with the flow, knowing what would happen that afternoon could really turn my day in 180 degrees.
hometime..! ring a ding ding ya pokoknya itulah lo tau kan bell 6 kaya gimana haha. biasanya, kalo mau BTA itu kan gw, Billa dan Aul itu bareng makan dulu. eh tapi pas sampe deket gerbang kok si Aul ngabur langsung pergi gitu, ada Muha juga, eh kok si Muha kayanya ga tau deh gw ultah.. hmm trus gw nanya,
"Bil, si Aul kemana sih?"
"Ga tau Nab, katanya ada urusan mau kemanaa gitu lo tau kan dia anaknya suka gitu!" (hayo lo Ul, bukan gue yg bilang!)
trus ngalor ngidul gt Nadiya minta nemenin beli Aqua lah, eh akhirnya beli sus gt trus si Billa hesitate juga mau makan dimana terserah eh dia ko ga makan2 dari pagi, akhirnya ke KFC sama Billa dan Alia, Nadiya sama Rona nyusul. btw pas lg mesen gt gw curiga nih.. kata Billa kan si Thea udah plg duluan krn dia juga les di hari2 yg sama dengan kita (tapi beda tempat les), loh tapi kok DIA NELFON KE HAPENYA ALIA?? trus dia mo ngmg ke Billa gt.. dan Billa ngasih tau keberadaan kita dimana dan berapa menit lg kita smape ke BTA? dan curiganya lagi dia nelfon lagi pas di bis dan Billa bilang "3 menit, 3 menit!" CURIGA GA LO?!
ahh gw udah mikir, jangan2 gw mau diapain nih..
heh bener! Nadiya udah sok2 ngomong "eh2 kita kelasnya di atas kan?" dan pas mau naik tangga, udah berkumpul lah itu.. Thea, Sasya, Karina, Gisca, Lola, Lintang, Aul! OH MY GOD DAN MEREKA MEGANG KUEE aaaaaaaaaaaa and SLR and handycam..
wiwiwiiiiiiiiiiiiii thankyouuuuu semuanyaaaaa! udah kan tiup lilin trus si Nadiya nyanyi2 bikin heboh 1 BTA, terus dia ngomong, "eh keluar yuk keluar disini sempit!" tapi nadnaya ga meyakinkan gitu loooh ada yg mencurigakan! haahhhh siaaaal tapi gw nurut aja dan kita difoto2, trus pas nengok ke belakang, ada bisik2 dan gw liat Aul.. MEGANG BOTOL AQUA. jebbb dengan panik dan my hay-wired circuits thought a nanosecond and with reflex i said 'HEH BENTAR! GUE NARO TAS DULU!" sayangnya, jam gue ga selamat. dan setelah itu SRRRR gue udah basah.. hahaha dan tiba2 kena tepung di muka. mantaaap kejar2an lah akhirnya lalalalallala makasih banget yaa jadi tontonan masyarakat! btw lokasi BTA gw itu di Mayestik dan di depan jalan raya, di seberang Pasar Mayestik itself. nyehehe tontonan gratis bagi para metromini dan bajaj and pedestrians. makasih. oh ya dan setelah itu gw dikeramasin Aul pake SABUN cair pertamanya, tnyt ada shampo -_- baiknyaa dia udah bawa baju ganti dr rumah hehe :p Nadiya juga nemenin gw keramas dan membantu menghibur dan mengangkat roknya Aul yg menyeret2 ke lantai wkwk :D
nanti gw upload kartu ucapan dari mereka! kocak abis sumpah hahah.
buat semuanya yang udah ngucapin.. bless you all and i hope for the best for you guys :D buat geng padang-geng sunda.. jangan berseteru mulu yaa haha ♥ you guys so damn much!
akhirnya malemnya gw ga galau lg :} and i didnt care anymore about the thing that i blued for (is that even a word huh..) at least, for the time being :D
Monday, 19 October 2009
Random Birthday Wishlist
1. a photo album (THIS one i really need!)
2. aerobic video -- so i dont have to take classes due to my hectic schedule (sok busy lol)
3. well anything that makes me have sport routinity can do such great good for me!!!
4. sport shoes
5. iPod nano charger-- so i dont need to go to the pc thats in my parents room everytime im in need of some mood booster
6. actually a laptop would be REALLY useful.. though i'll have to be patient and wait for this NEC to be handed down! :p
7. shoes for school-- well my grandma told me like how many times to get some new ones and i just cant be bothered spending money over a pair gahah
8. my MUM here in Jakarta :( as she'll be headed for Padang tomorrow, the day before zee day
9. just some realization from someoneout there. well maybe i can wait but it would be a real life-awakening moment if that person just did a special liiiiittle something on the 21st :)
10. to be accepted in Medicine/Dentistry in 2010. amin!
if ANY one of this is granted.. thank you so much for the person who was considerate enough making it come true :p
ridiculously snickering,
NVY <3
2. aerobic video -- so i dont have to take classes due to my hectic schedule (sok busy lol)
3. well anything that makes me have sport routinity can do such great good for me!!!
4. sport shoes
5. iPod nano charger-- so i dont need to go to the pc thats in my parents room everytime im in need of some mood booster
6. actually a laptop would be REALLY useful.. though i'll have to be patient and wait for this NEC to be handed down! :p
7. shoes for school-- well my grandma told me like how many times to get some new ones and i just cant be bothered spending money over a pair gahah
8. my MUM here in Jakarta :( as she'll be headed for Padang tomorrow, the day before zee day
9. just some realization from someoneout there. well maybe i can wait but it would be a real life-awakening moment if that person just did a special liiiiittle something on the 21st :)
10. to be accepted in Medicine/Dentistry in 2010. amin!
if ANY one of this is granted.. thank you so much for the person who was considerate enough making it come true :p
ridiculously snickering,
NVY <3
Friday, 16 October 2009
By the name of God, I Swear This is Absurd
Week of first tests are done, and tomorrow I'll be able to say hey hey its Saturday! I have to drop some opinions here due to some outrage that happened in my school over the past week. When you fill out your identification number, name and such you do it just like that, right? Never before I have had someone to order us do MORE, yet the thing is pretty much subjective. On some blank space provided we had to write:
By the name of (insert the name of your god), I swear not to cheat nor commit innapropriate behaviour.
Why? Doesn't it all come back to ourselves?? Our own sins will be our responsibility. And no, I'm not one of those who doesn't like this kind of action because i LIKE cheating, no. I've always tried to refrain from it since year 9, since we studied for the national exams. To this day I have limited myself from it as much as i can. My point is that this is a form of overreacting and unnecessary, for such school kids who are still and forevermore learning. Kids ARE like that, we've been ourselves, live by kids rules (which means no rules) throughout our process of human development.
Or as some of my friends tweets said as I checked the timeline (lol) a few days ago, "Makanya, punya anak dong!" so the person who ordered us to do such instruction knew how it felt, how it could affect that person's children.
Well i won't speculate much, could get in trouble hahah. But knowing how.. insensitive, and hard-headed a person can be is enough, thanks.
on fire,
NVY :)

Well i won't speculate much, could get in trouble hahah. But knowing how.. insensitive, and hard-headed a person can be is enough, thanks.
on fire,
NVY :)
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Upcoming Week of Round 1;Tests
finally, the chance to sit down in front of the comp and update my almost-abandoned blog! but still, all the while i'm checking into twitter and other people's blogs :) so that makes this post even more longer to type hahah.
yep and in fact i just wasted some minutes on facebook :|
alrighty! this week i'd say i'm quite happy with myself, don't know how it happened but i was able to stay awake for a few hours with a PURPOSE and not just for listening my Ipod away. i studied! like until 23.30, i mean there WERE, still gaps like spacing out and wondering about things unrelated to studying -_- but hey twas a damn productive week i might say! i went to BTA Monday-Wednesday, had a day off on Thurs and came back on Friday for the double sessions. Today i did a psychotest at school (yes they really are psycho-tests)
even though i dont feel as exhausted as i had been 2 years ago, that was the last time i sat for one, dont think i'll study anything tonight for Monday's tests.
oh! wish me luck btw. sadly i have no pics to upload :( hoping that next Saturday SOMEONE might be able to treat us lunch, lol! ehem Fanny, ihiiiy! haha ngarep nih laper mulu jadinya belajar. oh i'll post a nice song from the old days when i watched Rage and Video Hits and this song was played quite oftenly :)
so i guess see you when i miss you the most, dear blog and blog-walkers!
have faith in yourselves,
yep and in fact i just wasted some minutes on facebook :|
alrighty! this week i'd say i'm quite happy with myself, don't know how it happened but i was able to stay awake for a few hours with a PURPOSE and not just for listening my Ipod away. i studied! like until 23.30, i mean there WERE, still gaps like spacing out and wondering about things unrelated to studying -_- but hey twas a damn productive week i might say! i went to BTA Monday-Wednesday, had a day off on Thurs and came back on Friday for the double sessions. Today i did a psychotest at school (yes they really are psycho-tests)
even though i dont feel as exhausted as i had been 2 years ago, that was the last time i sat for one, dont think i'll study anything tonight for Monday's tests.
oh! wish me luck btw. sadly i have no pics to upload :( hoping that next Saturday SOMEONE might be able to treat us lunch, lol! ehem Fanny, ihiiiy! haha ngarep nih laper mulu jadinya belajar. oh i'll post a nice song from the old days when i watched Rage and Video Hits and this song was played quite oftenly :)
so i guess see you when i miss you the most, dear blog and blog-walkers!
have faith in yourselves,
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Hey everyone how's it all been! I hope you all had a nice holiday, not like I did. Well it wasn't entirely downhill but stuff like family feuds and bad tempered relatives can have a bad impact on yourself -__- aaaanyways! Let me seeee, i realize that i should write in here more and polish my English skillz that killz hahah. Practice for the future in case next year i get to move! Not just for the sake of next year but also if i don't speak nor write or even read English i'm afraid that my ability will continue to descend - in other words i will experience English defluency? Is that such a word? No i guess not because the thesaurus couldn't even find any snonyms for it hahah!
Okay enough commotion of my own monologue.
that's Dita and my Uncle Iwan :}
I spent lebaran with my uncle's fam, 3 of my cousins came from Kalimantan. Nadya, Dio, and Dita are very bright and hyperactive kids i'm sure they'll all turn out geniuses! Amin teehee siapa dulu dong kakaknya (hah? haha). We went to Bandung for 3 days and 2 nights, went with our other cousins as well, Avi and Abi. There was a conflict, on one side but hey i'm not gonna write about it here it's too blah. We went to Tangkuban Perahu and horseriding, (THEY did, i didn't because it was LEAD, i wanted to go by myself we could've gone to "D'Ranch" but nooo >:( ), strawberry picking,
moments before he got flung out
Dio went on an ATV and got thrown off! But he was still chuckling even when he had grass in his mouth so his dad thought he was OKAY and SECURED THE ATV INSTEAD OF HIS SON, AND LEFT ME IN SHOCK TO HELP HIM GET UP! yea i was pretty shocked huh. The wheels nearly crushed his arm! Damn. But he was oh-kay, just like any other tough little boy :))
One of my best friend planned to watch a movie with me but as far luck goes, his grandma's lung cancer relapsed and poor him had to go to Lampung in the morning of our play-day. Felt bad for turning of my mobile pretty early, hey i thought there wouldn't be anyone asking me about anything again! Sigh.
yes this is my beautiful (as in guy-beautiful) cousin Dio!
Oh i forgot, i had a fast-breaking night with the bilinguals! It was pretty fun and a success i daresay, it was only me Nadiya and Dela who organised it so that was pretty good! and of course Icha who helped me with the es buah hehee :D
Don't know why but i can't be bothered with school stuff, damn. It's such a burden not being able to study properly while my mind wanders off on so many occasions. Plus the upcoming tests are like.. what, in less than 14 days? Oh well, there's always late -night catch ups - oops, studying! hahah. I'll be GREAT don't worry *really, trying to assure yourself is harder than you think.
I'll check in on you guys soon aight? Get pumped for school tomorrow! Off for lunch and BTA soon :)
zee one and only,
NVY xxo
Okay enough commotion of my own monologue.
I spent lebaran with my uncle's fam, 3 of my cousins came from Kalimantan. Nadya, Dio, and Dita are very bright and hyperactive kids i'm sure they'll all turn out geniuses! Amin teehee siapa dulu dong kakaknya (hah? haha). We went to Bandung for 3 days and 2 nights, went with our other cousins as well, Avi and Abi. There was a conflict, on one side but hey i'm not gonna write about it here it's too blah. We went to Tangkuban Perahu and horseriding, (THEY did, i didn't because it was LEAD, i wanted to go by myself we could've gone to "D'Ranch" but nooo >:( ), strawberry picking,
Dio went on an ATV and got thrown off! But he was still chuckling even when he had grass in his mouth so his dad thought he was OKAY and SECURED THE ATV INSTEAD OF HIS SON, AND LEFT ME IN SHOCK TO HELP HIM GET UP! yea i was pretty shocked huh. The wheels nearly crushed his arm! Damn. But he was oh-kay, just like any other tough little boy :))
One of my best friend planned to watch a movie with me but as far luck goes, his grandma's lung cancer relapsed and poor him had to go to Lampung in the morning of our play-day. Felt bad for turning of my mobile pretty early, hey i thought there wouldn't be anyone asking me about anything again! Sigh.
Oh i forgot, i had a fast-breaking night with the bilinguals! It was pretty fun and a success i daresay, it was only me Nadiya and Dela who organised it so that was pretty good! and of course Icha who helped me with the es buah hehee :D
Don't know why but i can't be bothered with school stuff, damn. It's such a burden not being able to study properly while my mind wanders off on so many occasions. Plus the upcoming tests are like.. what, in less than 14 days? Oh well, there's always late -night catch ups - oops, studying! hahah. I'll be GREAT don't worry *really, trying to assure yourself is harder than you think.
I'll check in on you guys soon aight? Get pumped for school tomorrow! Off for lunch and BTA soon :)
zee one and only,
NVY xxo
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Eid Mubarak 20-09-2009!
This is the first time for me to experience not being able to go pray Eidl Fitr. And it sucks.. Well before everyone else comes home from the mesjid and I won't be able to use the comp, let me share with you my Ramadhan blessings :)
As we all know, Ramadhan is the time to purify all our sins and the month for self-realization, to look at ourself in the mirror and ask;
Ramadhan is not just about buying lots of food we resist from fasting, nor the fast-breaking with your friends and showing the photos to the world, no. Its the silaturrahim, and the older we are we realize that it truly is important, how we miss our friends and not seeing them in, say, a couple of years, or even 10 years it was the case with my kindergarten friends last year, and how we need to maintain the bond we have started. To continue that bond forever and nurture it.
I daresay this year it has been harder for me to keep my anger and patience rather than last year, I broke my fast (thanks to my nafsu!) one day, and accidentally it was! Seriously guys, do NOT ever try this, and i feel ashamed. Its obviously bad, plus afterwards i felt too guilty. Man, i wish i hadn't eaten that waffle. Didnt taste that good anyway :| what a waste of money as well! (Padang haha)
Oh one more thing. This will be the last Ramadhan for us year 12s.. the last Ramadhan being in high school. Who knows where we'll be eating our pre-dawn meals next year, in Depok, bandung, Yogya? Or somewhere far abroad, away from families and friends? No matter where, I hope we will stil be able to greet Ramadhan, AMIN!
So I should really disconnect now, to everyone who celebrates it, to every Muslim in the world, Eid Mubarak! Happy Eidl Fitr, bless us all! Let the light shine down on all of us who have won the Ramadhan meaning! Amin. Happy Lebaran! Take care for those who are going to their hometowns :)
As we all know, Ramadhan is the time to purify all our sins and the month for self-realization, to look at ourself in the mirror and ask;
"What good deeds have I done for others that surround me? Even for myself?"
This year, I have been touched. Allah has opened my heart, that ONLY realizing the others that need you and are less fortunate is so not enough. I need to do something, and I need to do it as soon as possible. I hope that God gives me time to do that soon, Amin.Ramadhan is not just about buying lots of food we resist from fasting, nor the fast-breaking with your friends and showing the photos to the world, no. Its the silaturrahim, and the older we are we realize that it truly is important, how we miss our friends and not seeing them in, say, a couple of years, or even 10 years it was the case with my kindergarten friends last year, and how we need to maintain the bond we have started. To continue that bond forever and nurture it.
I daresay this year it has been harder for me to keep my anger and patience rather than last year, I broke my fast (thanks to my nafsu!) one day, and accidentally it was! Seriously guys, do NOT ever try this, and i feel ashamed. Its obviously bad, plus afterwards i felt too guilty. Man, i wish i hadn't eaten that waffle. Didnt taste that good anyway :| what a waste of money as well! (Padang haha)
Oh one more thing. This will be the last Ramadhan for us year 12s.. the last Ramadhan being in high school. Who knows where we'll be eating our pre-dawn meals next year, in Depok, bandung, Yogya? Or somewhere far abroad, away from families and friends? No matter where, I hope we will stil be able to greet Ramadhan, AMIN!
So I should really disconnect now, to everyone who celebrates it, to every Muslim in the world, Eid Mubarak! Happy Eidl Fitr, bless us all! Let the light shine down on all of us who have won the Ramadhan meaning! Amin. Happy Lebaran! Take care for those who are going to their hometowns :)
The Spirit of Ramadhan!
NVY xxo ;)
NVY xxo ;)
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