u know i checked my deviantart yesterday and guess what??? word cut-outs made "neutralization" a favourite! whoaowowowoaw! now THATS something to be proud of! becoz i rly love her works and she really.. inspires people to write! plus she is either downright depressed (TO THE CORE hell ye) or she's such a mysterious person who has extra-ability to play with words! LOL shes awesomee.. gaah i admire her :D btw shes british.. hmm i woner how old she is but i have a feeling that shes not far from our age.. really her writing is soo intricate (im not sure about the exact meaning of that) but she writes down what she feels like PHYSICALLY like stuff you WANT to get out of you but you just leave it out most times because its HARD to put in words! damnit she good.
oh for those who are confused, in deviantart you can post up photos and writing (such as poetry and prose and their friends) right, and anyone who is a deviant (anyone who has a deviantart account) can make it as a "favourite" if they like it.

theres the proof! i was shocked with joy aahahah its circled in red.
you might wonder "then whats the blue one for"?
i checked my dA just now and apparently this person called "kustom-kicks" made one of my deviantID a favourite! im like WTH HAHAHAHAHA because i just uploaded it this morning and it was only a pic of me with my fist on my chin aahah how important is that? its a pretty shit pic as well since i was sick and cheeks were a tad bit chubby. oh well maybe she was bored and had nothing to do. lol. shes got some cool piercings though, i saw.
well mum called last night when dad, hanna and i arrived home from senayan. she said the wedding reception was at noon . i thought it would be in the evening... sigh i wonder what shes done today. id LOVE to go and kick my heels to the city. huhuh i chatted to sandra yesterday as well via facebook and i MISS HER SO BAD asked her to take me shopping once i get to melbourne hah! id have to work my butt of SERIOUSLY now and intend to be offline for 2 weeks (if that is even possible!) at LEAST on facebook (being offline). alright.
well i'll have to go off now ciao amigos!
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