huh. ternyata susah juga. i CANT RESIST being nice! i have a heart of gold which cannot be frozen (halah). so my plan for no calls yesterday afternoon FAILED.
here's the story. after being told he would leave at 4, i though, well by 3.30ish his phone shouldn't be on anymore SO what did I do? i turned MINE on. and there were 2 messages from him (remember the one before i turned it off was 'Nab." which indicated that he wants to call):
1. "Nabbbbb"
2. "Nab, if i dont get to call u. Take care ya. Sorry if i got u angry."
ahahahahha. ya i felt bad. so i texted back (texted back! rrgh) because i thought it would already be turned off. but then,
28th May 2009
3. "Can me call?"
"yeah." (udah pasrah)
so we talked and it was okay. wasn't as bad as i expected, the 'so yeahs' when we were stuck. called twice because he had to get his luggage. then when i was eating i couldnt hear my phone beep and i saw that he texted me and said he was "sorry for the interruption" and he was "boarding now and take care". i think my reply arrived when he got to Singapore. okie doke
"I can hear you trembling at starts of conversations. Why is it so hard to admit? What's making you hold back? If karma had to turn on you now, I'd be no less interested, but don't count on it."
As I am only human*smirk (IAM GIVING YOUR WORDS BACK!)
Friday, 29 May 2009
Thursday, 28 May 2009
A Letter To Mr. Companion of Unilateral Boredom Trashcan
My dearest companion,
I believe that am at a point where karma strikes you back. I believe. However it is also a point where I do NOT want you to have it. According to my vitals, they tell me that every single cell in my body rejects everything that you do. In a period of time starting from 12.00 in the noon this day, Thursday 28th of May, I will not receive any phonecalls much so ever nor reply any text messages that you send. Tell me Mr. Companion of Unilateral Boredom Trashcan, what else is there to talk about other than you, yourself and your problems that I am not so interested in? You should know by now why I "don't talk much?" when you call me. I will be isolating myself with ice-cream and dvds, then once I am half-reboosted with energy, will start studying for passing my failed indicators. I insist you accept this condition whole-heartedly and sincere.
Thank you,

(e)NVY me always.
(I really think I am over this!)
I believe that am at a point where karma strikes you back. I believe. However it is also a point where I do NOT want you to have it. According to my vitals, they tell me that every single cell in my body rejects everything that you do. In a period of time starting from 12.00 in the noon this day, Thursday 28th of May, I will not receive any phonecalls much so ever nor reply any text messages that you send. Tell me Mr. Companion of Unilateral Boredom Trashcan, what else is there to talk about other than you, yourself and your problems that I am not so interested in? You should know by now why I "don't talk much?" when you call me. I will be isolating myself with ice-cream and dvds, then once I am half-reboosted with energy, will start studying for passing my failed indicators. I insist you accept this condition whole-heartedly and sincere.
Thank you,
(e)NVY me always.
(I really think I am over this!)
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Quotes from This Week
little things are what triggers my 'inspiration glands". teehee
after 'the call':
"To know is to learn, to learn is to accept, to accept is to what? To forgive and forget?"
little wonderings after English test:
"Ever wondered why they use "veins" in songs and poems, and not 'arteries' ?"
"May I know how the future might be, shall not my flesh strike to exist"
"Unlike some, I know my inner strengths and I do not tell people what they are and how the heck they work. I do not know whether others have it or if they even feel they have them, nor I have the want to know. I am a thinker of unknown reasons, eager seeker of future knowledge. Because as we know, what we know is only a tad bit of this vast space we live in."
ta ta for now, I need to study for Physics, History, and Islamic studies.
adios mi amigos!
nvy xo
after 'the call':
"To know is to learn, to learn is to accept, to accept is to what? To forgive and forget?"
little wonderings after English test:
"Ever wondered why they use "veins" in songs and poems, and not 'arteries' ?"
"May I know how the future might be, shall not my flesh strike to exist"
"Unlike some, I know my inner strengths and I do not tell people what they are and how the heck they work. I do not know whether others have it or if they even feel they have them, nor I have the want to know. I am a thinker of unknown reasons, eager seeker of future knowledge. Because as we know, what we know is only a tad bit of this vast space we live in."
ta ta for now, I need to study for Physics, History, and Islamic studies.
adios mi amigos!
nvy xo
Friday, 22 May 2009
2 hari gw tidurnya malem terus. pertama gara2 tugas kimia. and secondly, kmaren karena ngerjain kimia lagi gara2 si indah baru ngirim foto2 praktikum kmaren. sigh. dan malem ini, kayanya ga akan deh krn besok adalah hari LOMBA. mampus. lumayan sih gw, fanny, celine, billa, dan bimo baru ngerjain kmaren hari kamis, nyari2 alat dan bahan segala macem ke BP, toko listrik dengan banyak anjing dimana2, sampe ke toko bangunan yg banyak semen dan kayu pipa you know lah. oh ya, ini buat pembuatan Replika Wahan Dufan. haha.

kita bikinnya Bianglala.. dimana pas hari Kamis orang2 pada males2an bisa tidur bisa maen eh kita mainnya sama apa coba? cat besi, kawat dan POWERGLUE (Y) oke banget itu udah yang nempel2 ke tangan, susah ngilanginnya, hari ini aja lagi gw kena lagi dan yg kmaren masih ada membekas gt hahah sial. udah gitu dari pagi jam 9 lewatan si Bimo jemput gw, trus bareng ke Bintaro nya krn dia ga tau rumah Fanny. ckck dia nyetir lambaaaaat banget hahah ga tau kenapa, sama Celine dikatain anaknya 'GEGABAH' huahahaha itu udah kocak banget sepanjang perjalanan gw, Celine dan Billa keluar lagi nyari bahan yang belom ktemu, kita ngetawain dia terus (dalem).
well akhirnya Celine nyampe ga jauh dari kita lah jam 10an (gara2 Bimo nyetirnya lama eh lebih dari stngah jam deh kita di jalan padahal kan rumah gw ke Bintaro deket bngt paling 20 menit -_-). trus Billa? ya dia tinggal nyebrang kerumah Fanny HAHA udah sobi banget kali ya mereka dari kecil tinggal sebrang2an. padahal di kelas jarnag ngobrol :p
yaudah pokonya perjuangan banget deh itu sampe jam 6.30an, trus nyampe rumah jam 7. hari ini cabut skolah (izin lah) pas istirahat dan langsung ke Mayestik beli switcher, lampu2 kecil, dan kabel lagi. gw beli gemblong, haha. semoga kita menang aminnn seenggaknya juara 3 deh karena hadiahnya LUMAYAN!
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Rapot Bayangan
iya agak telat sih nulis ttg ini. tapi berhubungan gw baru nerima kemaren dan kmaren gw ga dapet privacy buat nulis di blog jadinya sekarang deh.
kmarne tuh bokap gw yg ngambil. stelah gw solat gw nelfon bokap gw apakah dia masih ada di skolah, ternyata udah pergi lagi. trus gw nanya, gimana pa? kenapa2 ngga? dan dia jawab, ngga kok, with this light-hearted voice, almost cheerful. kayak abis dapet kabar menggembirakan apaa gitu (i hope). ya gw penasaran lah..
sesampai dirumah, sorenya gw lagi online dan dateng lah bokap gw. langsung menyodorkan rapot bygn gw dan bilang, nih bil, dan gw liat, horeee alhamdulillah ga ada yg bermasalah. ngga bagus2 amat tapi ga jelek juga sih. hehehe. dan bingungnya mat ub 2 kok 100?? padahal kan gw remed mulu. hmm. kimia, rr susah ya kalo PG terus soalnya, susah dapet 80an, pasti 77-78-79an gaa pernah dapet bagus. ckck. biologi asik dapet 85 yang ub 2 hehe. kirain 9 (haha you wish nab) tapi gw kira bisa loh waktu itu setidaknya 89 lah.. hahaha kapan ya bisa gitu. perancis sama inggris kosong nilainya kok inggris belom dimasukkin ya nilainya hmm.
nyokap gw dateng 1 jam kemudian. wajahnya pun langsung ceria. ya Allah, yang aku pengen dari semester ini cuma 1: meningkatkan prestasi dan tetep 5 besar, dan bisa ngebahagiain ortu gw. karena kayaknya yang gw bisa bales sekarang ini adalah hal tsb. namanya juga masih anak, mana ada duit buat nyenengin..
oh ya dan krn gw mau this holidays to be guilt-freeee!
kmarne tuh bokap gw yg ngambil. stelah gw solat gw nelfon bokap gw apakah dia masih ada di skolah, ternyata udah pergi lagi. trus gw nanya, gimana pa? kenapa2 ngga? dan dia jawab, ngga kok, with this light-hearted voice, almost cheerful. kayak abis dapet kabar menggembirakan apaa gitu (i hope). ya gw penasaran lah..
sesampai dirumah, sorenya gw lagi online dan dateng lah bokap gw. langsung menyodorkan rapot bygn gw dan bilang, nih bil, dan gw liat, horeee alhamdulillah ga ada yg bermasalah. ngga bagus2 amat tapi ga jelek juga sih. hehehe. dan bingungnya mat ub 2 kok 100?? padahal kan gw remed mulu. hmm. kimia, rr susah ya kalo PG terus soalnya, susah dapet 80an, pasti 77-78-79an gaa pernah dapet bagus. ckck. biologi asik dapet 85 yang ub 2 hehe. kirain 9 (haha you wish nab) tapi gw kira bisa loh waktu itu setidaknya 89 lah.. hahaha kapan ya bisa gitu. perancis sama inggris kosong nilainya kok inggris belom dimasukkin ya nilainya hmm.
nyokap gw dateng 1 jam kemudian. wajahnya pun langsung ceria. ya Allah, yang aku pengen dari semester ini cuma 1: meningkatkan prestasi dan tetep 5 besar, dan bisa ngebahagiain ortu gw. karena kayaknya yang gw bisa bales sekarang ini adalah hal tsb. namanya juga masih anak, mana ada duit buat nyenengin..
oh ya dan krn gw mau this holidays to be guilt-freeee!
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Add My Plurk Please
haiah, susah bener sih gw sebenernya maleees cuman emang udah bikin some time ago dan iseng jadi.. invite gw ya muahahah
Friday, 15 May 2009
teh celup itu berbahaya
WHAT I LEARNED TODAY: teh celup itu ngga boleh di reuse, karena kertas saringnya (yang mengandung daun teh nya itu) berbahaya! *dari Bu Herni, guru Kimia, pada saat sedang membahas Koloid :p
hey. couldnt go on yesterday, had a lesson. it was Renin's birthday, and also Joey's (wherever you are and how ever you've been, happy birthday my ingenius, talented friend, best wishes from your grade 3 crush! haha (Y) thankyou for the 'nasi goreng' and other indonesian food moments). i went home, feeling about calling Rona or Cita if they were goin straight home but somehow, i couldnt be bothered. sorry guys i miss yous a lot, but it was a hot day i wanted to get out of Blok M..
when i was in the bus i felt my phone vibrate.. but thought it was a hallucination, probably a text message but didnt care. then when it rang for the 3rd time, i checked and it was Efi calling, but Rona was speaking, she asked me where i was and turns out they were about to celebrate Renin's bday at Cafe Strawberry, damn no one told me! err felt rather shit. but all's well, turned out Rona didnt go either because there were more of IPA 2 people. so yea.
im planning to meet Janit and Icha tomoz and watch Angels and Demons, yay :D its bin nearly a year since i saw Janit.. im sure it'll be a great girls day out :)
okay, i failed the "motivation" plan. here's to "i can do it tomorrow", great! -_-
regrets always come after mistakes. now i wont have proper study time to study the minors, let alone the majors, probably i'll end up late night studying on the last week (again and again).
i really want to watch Grey's Anatomy. my season 2 dvds w
ould do.. sigh. checked out their website and watched the spoiler vids.. damn GEORGE GOT BURNED!!! WTF THATS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! and IZZIE, i dont know i hope she wont die, pleaseee.
hey. couldnt go on yesterday, had a lesson. it was Renin's birthday, and also Joey's (wherever you are and how ever you've been, happy birthday my ingenius, talented friend, best wishes from your grade 3 crush! haha (Y) thankyou for the 'nasi goreng' and other indonesian food moments). i went home, feeling about calling Rona or Cita if they were goin straight home but somehow, i couldnt be bothered. sorry guys i miss yous a lot, but it was a hot day i wanted to get out of Blok M..
when i was in the bus i felt my phone vibrate.. but thought it was a hallucination, probably a text message but didnt care. then when it rang for the 3rd time, i checked and it was Efi calling, but Rona was speaking, she asked me where i was and turns out they were about to celebrate Renin's bday at Cafe Strawberry, damn no one told me! err felt rather shit. but all's well, turned out Rona didnt go either because there were more of IPA 2 people. so yea.
im planning to meet Janit and Icha tomoz and watch Angels and Demons, yay :D its bin nearly a year since i saw Janit.. im sure it'll be a great girls day out :)
okay, i failed the "motivation" plan. here's to "i can do it tomorrow", great! -_-
regrets always come after mistakes. now i wont have proper study time to study the minors, let alone the majors, probably i'll end up late night studying on the last week (again and again).
i really want to watch Grey's Anatomy. my season 2 dvds w

Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Wednesday, last day of short hols
it shouldnt even be called a holiday, even for a short-period one. pathetic. why dont they just let us have the whole week off.. today Hanif (yes, my friend from primary in Melb who me and Dwen used to hate LOL. but we come in peace now, forget about childhood arguments, they were stupid anyway.) came over as he planned to ask me some bio bout plant reproduction (?) which i did NOT have, on my indicator sheet. plus the night before i was looking in my book and there was only a little bit i mean only a page and one paragraph on the next one, how unimportant is that? but turns out i read the wrong section HAHAH -_- but when he arrived and found out i didnt study that, i ended up asking him to help solve some of my maths problems which i havent bin taught yet. so yea it was pretty helpful.
we talked about our schools, i mean i thought he was handling it well at 8 and he was probably smarter than i am, plus how boys take it so much easier.. well turned out wrong. not all of it, i mean he told me he was kinda grounded in this period of hols for getting a bad mark for maths. so its lucky that he was even allowed to come i guess, ya alesannya juga belajar so why not, and his mum knows my mum and so on blabla haha miss my childhood, i miss Clayton, i miss the charcoal chicken and the hot chips, the weird smell of the old trains.. sigh. be strong nab, you'll get there in 2 months.. STUDY HARD, STAY FOCUS, AND DONT LET ANYTHING FUN DISTRACT YOU WHILE YOU HAVENT DONE YOUR EXAMS YET!!
then Preste came and we sorta stopped; damn he brought the mood of plaaay hahaha aaaand we ended up having lunch, watching Parental Control and The Biggest Loser, which inspired Preste to lose weight again! you go bro. Icha came by late hahah oh well she and Preste has 2 weeks of hols damnit. but the negs for them is lack of studying which means if they dont start studying they might not get good marks, which might happen to YOU nab so stop wasting time and get a move on i mean i cant believe it myself i havent even done a summary for reproduction yet! oh come ooooon. okay im kinda goin offtrack here :p after that we went to Ayam Kalasan which
me, Icha and Preste always wanted to go to since year 8 but we never got around to it because of a lot of things. yeah pretty nice love the sambel but i wouldnt call it best, still its tops for around the house meal. plus i had es campur afterwards.
hehe oh yeah almost forgot! i learned to ride the motorcycle hahah damnit. i got the feeling similar to when i tried driving the car, the feeling of not ready to handle higher responsibilities. stupid eh? but maybe i am, not ready to grow up yet. or maybe i really need to and get out of my comfort zone. i dont know, you tell me.
you know something? you can never be always serious and on the right track. suddenly you'll fall out of it and wont care, just to have a slight of fun. yeah, maybe thats what's happening to me. and maybe what my parents said was true; i dont have any humor. sigh. and i get fucked up when dad cracks up something to do with me. im sorry guys, i love you.really.
*i wish i had my own pictures to put up but i dont really have time right now. peef. but the italic words are my own. i'll try and submit my writings again soon. i have plenty in stock :)
we talked about our schools, i mean i thought he was handling it well at 8 and he was probably smarter than i am, plus how boys take it so much easier.. well turned out wrong. not all of it, i mean he told me he was kinda grounded in this period of hols for getting a bad mark for maths. so its lucky that he was even allowed to come i guess, ya alesannya juga belajar so why not, and his mum knows my mum and so on blabla haha miss my childhood, i miss Clayton, i miss the charcoal chicken and the hot chips, the weird smell of the old trains.. sigh. be strong nab, you'll get there in 2 months.. STUDY HARD, STAY FOCUS, AND DONT LET ANYTHING FUN DISTRACT YOU WHILE YOU HAVENT DONE YOUR EXAMS YET!!
then Preste came and we sorta stopped; damn he brought the mood of plaaay hahaha aaaand we ended up having lunch, watching Parental Control and The Biggest Loser, which inspired Preste to lose weight again! you go bro. Icha came by late hahah oh well she and Preste has 2 weeks of hols damnit. but the negs for them is lack of studying which means if they dont start studying they might not get good marks, which might happen to YOU nab so stop wasting time and get a move on i mean i cant believe it myself i havent even done a summary for reproduction yet! oh come ooooon. okay im kinda goin offtrack here :p after that we went to Ayam Kalasan which

hehe oh yeah almost forgot! i learned to ride the motorcycle hahah damnit. i got the feeling similar to when i tried driving the car, the feeling of not ready to handle higher responsibilities. stupid eh? but maybe i am, not ready to grow up yet. or maybe i really need to and get out of my comfort zone. i dont know, you tell me.

you know something? you can never be always serious and on the right track. suddenly you'll fall out of it and wont care, just to have a slight of fun. yeah, maybe thats what's happening to me. and maybe what my parents said was true; i dont have any humor. sigh. and i get fucked up when dad cracks up something to do with me. im sorry guys, i love you.really.
*i wish i had my own pictures to put up but i dont really have time right now. peef. but the italic words are my own. i'll try and submit my writings again soon. i have plenty in stock :)
Monday, 11 May 2009
another Personality Quiz - even MORE accurate!
For 41,18 % you are: Personality B
Your Personality name is “ The Cheese Hybrid” a kind of “The Multifarious Observer”
Your genius level: (Based on a scale of 1-10) you scored: 8.6-9.6 (semi-genius)
Your personality brief: Like the nursery rhyme; “The cheese stands alone” describes your work ethic; you are a loner born (?!) and bred. You work best when alone. Very independent and idealistic. Your personality is very distinctive, original and unique. You are extremely creative and intellectual. Thorough, expressive, and contemplative at times. You often enjoy indulging in time to think things through rather than do things rashly. Scientific mindset. Optimistic in means of survival yet cynical in times of doubt. You appreciate deep music and art. You can be sarcastic (okay i know -_-) and have an over-active personality, which is a very good attribute. Kindness and sincerity reflects you in every aspect. You are very sensitive, compassionate, romantic and value love. Very attentive and observant of surroundings and tend to mock reactions when uncertain of behavior.
Good side of your personality: You are a very good listener and people look to you for your input and advice. You can interpret things in a way that is acknowledged as valuable and people respect and admire your intelligence in matters.
Bad side of your personality: You can come across as arrogant and stubborn sometimes. You can be very cold when angry. Tend to second guess yourself. People take advantage of your kindness. Also you can come across as undeceive and unsure.
Career calling: Pursue a career in something that will reveal your abilities in processing information, listening skills, creativeness, and intellectual self like becoming a writer, artist, psychologist, counselor, executive, business or design professional, lawyer, interior design, or wedding planner. If those are not your callings, try seeking a profession that will assist mankind for the greater good. The world needs you.
Relationships: You are the model romantic. You give your all in relationships but tend to harbor your true feelings when in doubt. Don’t hold back! Your passion for love and life is immense and sometimes is unappreciated by your choice in partners in the past. Your relationships are usually long lasting and loyal in being with someone you least expected rather than the ideal candidate in your eyes. Your relationships are at its best when first developed as good friends with strong compatibility in the same interests. Although love at first sight can be what you always wanted in your eyes, it can also be deceiving. You are extremely sexual when discovered and your partner likes this about you. Beware that your partner is more focused on your sexual talents rather than your talents at heart (?!). Growth of a relationship means exploring each other in all aspects more than just psychical attraction or the enjoyment of ones company. Being in-tune with oneself means you are easily in-tune with your partner’s feelings. Don’t isolate yourself into a relationship you know isn’t working. If you gave your all, you gave your all. Don’t hinder your romantic heights to love someone who does not deliver love back. Only settle for the best (you are worth it). Sturdy relationships lie in the east with a creative and deep Virgo, swift Libra, fun and interesting Aquarius, (my exes and ex crush are.. wow!) and passionate Capricorns. Beware of the dominant Leos, the deceiving Sagittarius and the persuasive Cancer.
Future at a glance: You have a very prosperous, fun future in the stars wake IF you allow it to be. Be weary…a decision coming up VERY soon might decide your fate and happiness later on in life. Don’t act upon it with initial reaction. Take time to think things through. Don’t wear black this coming Friday. To solve a problem you are facing now, consult drinking lemon juice mixed with salt, sugar, and hot water. Very soon you are in store for a surprise. And last, you recently developed a bad habit and could hinder how people could perceive you as.
Advice: Stay the way you are. Let go of things you can’t change, build the perseverance to change the things you can, and acknowledge the wisdom you possess to know the difference.
Your Personality name is “ The Cheese Hybrid” a kind of “The Multifarious Observer”
Your genius level: (Based on a scale of 1-10) you scored: 8.6-9.6 (semi-genius)
Your personality brief: Like the nursery rhyme; “The cheese stands alone” describes your work ethic; you are a loner born (?!) and bred. You work best when alone. Very independent and idealistic. Your personality is very distinctive, original and unique. You are extremely creative and intellectual. Thorough, expressive, and contemplative at times. You often enjoy indulging in time to think things through rather than do things rashly. Scientific mindset. Optimistic in means of survival yet cynical in times of doubt. You appreciate deep music and art. You can be sarcastic (okay i know -_-) and have an over-active personality, which is a very good attribute. Kindness and sincerity reflects you in every aspect. You are very sensitive, compassionate, romantic and value love. Very attentive and observant of surroundings and tend to mock reactions when uncertain of behavior.
Good side of your personality: You are a very good listener and people look to you for your input and advice. You can interpret things in a way that is acknowledged as valuable and people respect and admire your intelligence in matters.
Bad side of your personality: You can come across as arrogant and stubborn sometimes. You can be very cold when angry. Tend to second guess yourself. People take advantage of your kindness. Also you can come across as undeceive and unsure.
Career calling: Pursue a career in something that will reveal your abilities in processing information, listening skills, creativeness, and intellectual self like becoming a writer, artist, psychologist, counselor, executive, business or design professional, lawyer, interior design, or wedding planner. If those are not your callings, try seeking a profession that will assist mankind for the greater good. The world needs you.
Relationships: You are the model romantic. You give your all in relationships but tend to harbor your true feelings when in doubt. Don’t hold back! Your passion for love and life is immense and sometimes is unappreciated by your choice in partners in the past. Your relationships are usually long lasting and loyal in being with someone you least expected rather than the ideal candidate in your eyes. Your relationships are at its best when first developed as good friends with strong compatibility in the same interests. Although love at first sight can be what you always wanted in your eyes, it can also be deceiving. You are extremely sexual when discovered and your partner likes this about you. Beware that your partner is more focused on your sexual talents rather than your talents at heart (?!). Growth of a relationship means exploring each other in all aspects more than just psychical attraction or the enjoyment of ones company. Being in-tune with oneself means you are easily in-tune with your partner’s feelings. Don’t isolate yourself into a relationship you know isn’t working. If you gave your all, you gave your all. Don’t hinder your romantic heights to love someone who does not deliver love back. Only settle for the best (you are worth it). Sturdy relationships lie in the east with a creative and deep Virgo, swift Libra, fun and interesting Aquarius, (my exes and ex crush are.. wow!) and passionate Capricorns. Beware of the dominant Leos, the deceiving Sagittarius and the persuasive Cancer.
Future at a glance: You have a very prosperous, fun future in the stars wake IF you allow it to be. Be weary…a decision coming up VERY soon might decide your fate and happiness later on in life. Don’t act upon it with initial reaction. Take time to think things through. Don’t wear black this coming Friday. To solve a problem you are facing now, consult drinking lemon juice mixed with salt, sugar, and hot water. Very soon you are in store for a surprise. And last, you recently developed a bad habit and could hinder how people could perceive you as.
Advice: Stay the way you are. Let go of things you can’t change, build the perseverance to change the things you can, and acknowledge the wisdom you possess to know the difference.
Friday, 8 May 2009
Only Hope
hello hello hello!
sooooooo this week's bin pretty nice actually! first of all me and a couple of those crazy chicks (plus dude-to-be, ehem peace muh :p), were talking about making cakes and stuff to cook, i forgot when exactly and how or what really inspired us to talk about it, but well on monday stephanie brought this cinnamon cake from home and it tasted real nice! aaaaaahh and you know how i LOVE cinnamon. mmm so i wrote down the recipe, and after that we talked some moree and and ooh from last week i started selling klepon right, you know, those yummy little green rice-flour balls covered in coconut shreddings with melted palm sugar in it? yeah haha i only bought a few but hey turned out that my friends liked them! SO the next topic was about jajanan pasar which means traditional cakes you can find at traditional markets..

lol then we had this brilliant idea:
why dont we go to one of our houses and bake some cakes, before that go to the morning market and buy those traditional cakes?!
yaaaaay! oh and it gets better too ;D we were talking (singing actually) old movie soundtracks like Only Hope - A Walk to Remember (i sooo want to watch that who has the dvd?!), and Cry, and and Iris - Goo Goo Dolls and such, oh myyy so we decided that we would watch old movies as well while at Stephanie's! PLUS because of Aphe, Auliana and some guys who were playing the guitar, it inspired us to have a BAND PRACTICE MUAHAHHAA yes and i will play the organ at fanny's. pity she doesnt have a piano or keybaord at least, but oh well it will do :) at least we can make some noise baby ahaha how fun would it be! im soo excited for monday :DDD
sooooooo this week's bin pretty nice actually! first of all me and a couple of those crazy chicks (plus dude-to-be, ehem peace muh :p), were talking about making cakes and stuff to cook, i forgot when exactly and how or what really inspired us to talk about it, but well on monday stephanie brought this cinnamon cake from home and it tasted real nice! aaaaaahh and you know how i LOVE cinnamon. mmm so i wrote down the recipe, and after that we talked some moree and and ooh from last week i started selling klepon right, you know, those yummy little green rice-flour balls covered in coconut shreddings with melted palm sugar in it? yeah haha i only bought a few but hey turned out that my friends liked them! SO the next topic was about jajanan pasar which means traditional cakes you can find at traditional markets..

lol then we had this brilliant idea:
why dont we go to one of our houses and bake some cakes, before that go to the morning market and buy those traditional cakes?!
yaaaaay! oh and it gets better too ;D we were talking (singing actually) old movie soundtracks like Only Hope - A Walk to Remember (i sooo want to watch that who has the dvd?!), and Cry, and and Iris - Goo Goo Dolls and such, oh myyy so we decided that we would watch old movies as well while at Stephanie's! PLUS because of Aphe, Auliana and some guys who were playing the guitar, it inspired us to have a BAND PRACTICE MUAHAHHAA yes and i will play the organ at fanny's. pity she doesnt have a piano or keybaord at least, but oh well it will do :) at least we can make some noise baby ahaha how fun would it be! im soo excited for monday :DDD
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
okay. so i cant type that much now, because iam only here for 'assignmenting'. and my parents prbably will get intheir room again in some moment. i will tell the whole freaking story tomoz insya Allah, but one thing, one unimportant thing; me and Indah have started gossiping (no, facting (wtf)) about this particular guy in our class which we both admire.. muhahah nothing serious. but he's the ost decent one in our point of views :p its a veery gigglish moment when we start talking about him or when he comes up to the front to solve some physics problem or sumthin like that. LOL
Saturday, 2 May 2009
a controversial photo
hahaha. ive bin wanting to post this up from some time ago but just couldnt bring it up to my thoughts. jadi begini ceritanya. bulan maret yang lalu, seluruh anak2 SMA 6 pergi ke Puspiptek, Serpong untuk outing class. seperti biasa, pasti semuanya pada foto2 kan. nah ada satu foto sekelas, (ya kurang lengkap sih tapi setidaknya ukurannya 'sekelas' lah), yang HEBOH banget sampe commentnya sampe banyak bngt. kenapa? padahal itu foto ga terlalu memiliki aib or anything yang sampe kocak banget, TAPI gara2 satu nama yang adalah Muharrom Syahrul Akbar, foto itu jadi rame dan bikin kelas ribut. gokil. ini dia fotonya..

dan ini adalah comment2nya, click to enlarge -_-
tapi ntar lagi ya ini baru sebagian hehe ciao!

dan ini adalah comment2nya, click to enlarge -_-
tapi ntar lagi ya ini baru sebagian hehe ciao!

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