Friday 29 May 2009

Only Human After All

huh. ternyata susah juga. i CANT RESIST being nice! i have a heart of gold which cannot be frozen (halah). so my plan for no calls yesterday afternoon FAILED.
here's the story. after being told he would leave at 4, i though, well by 3.30ish his phone shouldn't be on anymore SO what did I do? i turned MINE on. and there were 2 messages from him (remember the one before i turned it off was 'Nab." which indicated that he wants to call):

1. "Nabbbbb"
2. "Nab, if i dont get to call u. Take care ya. Sorry if i got u angry."

ahahahahha. ya i felt bad. so i texted back (texted back! rrgh) because i thought it would already be turned off. but then,
28th May 2009


3. "Can me call?"

"yeah." (udah pasrah)

so we talked and it was okay. wasn't as bad as i expected, the 'so yeahs' when we were stuck. called twice because he had to get his luggage. then when i was eating i couldnt hear my phone beep and i saw that he texted me and said he was "sorry for the interruption" and he was "boarding now and take care". i think my reply arrived when he got to Singapore. okie doke

"I can hear you trembling at starts of conversations. Why is it so hard to admit? What's making you hold back? If karma had to turn on you now, I'd be no less interested, but don't count on it."

As I am only human*smirk (IAM GIVING YOUR WORDS BACK!)

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