I believe that am at a point where karma strikes you back. I believe. However it is also a point where I do NOT want you to have it. According to my vitals, they tell me that every single cell in my body rejects everything that you do. In a period of time starting from 12.00 in the noon this day, Thursday 28th of May, I will not receive any phonecalls much so ever nor reply any text messages that you send. Tell me Mr. Companion of Unilateral Boredom Trashcan, what else is there to talk about other than you, yourself and your problems that I am not so interested in? You should know by now why I "don't talk much?" when you call me. I will be isolating myself with ice-cream and dvds, then once I am half-reboosted with energy, will start studying for passing my failed indicators. I insist you accept this condition whole-heartedly and sincere.
Thank you,
(e)NVY me always.
(I really think I am over this!)
wkakakaka nab, poto lo kocak bgt deh hahaha
HAHAHHAHA thankyou ngie :D
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