hope my dad permits me to go to that 3-days farewell for Sasa's and XI IPA 1 next week.
I can't wait for the 28th of June.
I (surprisingly) get you crossing my mind, few nights lately. dangit.
I can't wait for the 28th of June.
I (surprisingly) get you crossing my mind, few nights lately. dangit.
okay today was heck boring no studying of course no nothing just a survey shit for our attitude marks, whatever. not in the mood for thinkin up the words in English. wanna PRACTICE them instead, i need someone to talk in English to. to sharpen them again, get the accent goin smooth. if Fazkia weren't busy with school i would get her to Skype me nearly every day til the departure date hahah. course, it'd be easier if... nagh he's not the only option, but the plus side is that it won't cost me a thing*evil smile. but no, i'll just wait until he gets back and get him to want to call me again aahahah. i mean you gotta do somethin to help your bestie sometimes, right? ;p
im gonna try and edit this boring looking blog of mine.. and upload pics and poems again on deviantArt. getting my art smock back on and inspirational glands producing again lol.
so yesterday when i watched my season 2 Grey's Anatomy dvds, i got to this part where Meredith meets Finn, her dog's, Doc, vet who took care of him. and she liked him at first sight coz he's, well, got the looks lol but she said she was 'celibate' hahah no guys, no sex after what happened between her and George. oh yeah and since Mer gave Doc to Derek to take care of because george and Izzie couldn't stand having him in the house anymore, it meant that Mer and Der were both rightful owners of Doc. Mer got asked out by Finn, and she got tangled up, her words, because she wanted to but she was celibate hahah and she's "knitting a sweater" HAHAH you should totally watch it dia kikuk gitu, well at the end of the day she went to his practice but unfortunately he had an errand to do, turned out he was delivering a foal, yea a baby horse. and Mer helped, so at the end he asked her,
Door 1: You go to my house, take all your clothes off, have a shower, clean up, and I'll cook for you. No sex
Door 2: You go home.
So I think you should pick Door 1.
(Im sorry if the words arent exactly the same, i forgot :p)

and she picked Door 1.
why did i pick the title as a friend? well Mer and Der were 'friends', at that stage, at least trying to be. Addison wanted to be "in" so she said "technically I'm her friend too". hahah. after what happened with George, Mer was still in questioning with Der, and Der said, after a successful surgery,
"As a friend, you should tell me ypur problems and i should provide you with answers.
And Mer replied,
"As a friend you might get mad at me"
or so, well i already wrote that i aplogize for the non exact same sentences.
But hey that's what friends are supposed to do right? Oh by the way in later episodes, Dr Webber (if im not mistaken), said,
"The only people who don't know Meredith and Derek are in love are only Meredith and Derek."
which is fuhreakin, true. at that point. lol
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